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Father, son share farming ideas, resources

Whether they're managing their individual farms or their joint acres, Matt and Tanner Hogue work together. 'It’s a ‘Where did it rain? What needs to be done today?’ partnership.'

Laurie Martin, Freelancer

June 21, 2024

12 Slides

Tanner Hogue’s love for farming began earlier than he can remember. “When I was a kid, I would be mad if my dad left me at the house," he recalls.

Today, he farms with his dad, Matt Hogue, in Terry County, Texas. They have separate operations with some land they work together in the eastern part of the county. They primarily farm cotton, along with rotating crops such as wheat, grain sorghum, and peanuts, where they have the water.


Father and son usually share equipment across their irrigated and shared land but try to minimize overlap when it comes to dryland. They are in constant communication, especially during planting and harvest.

“We are on the phone two or three times a day,” Tanner said. “If I’m caught up and he needs help, then we go over there. If I need help, and he’s caught up, then he comes over here. It’s not a ‘I need to do mine, then we will go do yours.’ It’s a ‘Where did it rain? What needs to be done today?’ partnership.”

Their working relationship allows them to bounce ideas back and forth, benefiting both operations. Matt choked up as he discussed how good it’s been to have Tanner in the mix.

“There’s been a lot of ups and downs, but it’s usually positive in the end,” Matt said. "I think it’s been really good for us both.”

Related:#plant24: A tale of two strategies among father, son

Tanner admits he’s learned a lot just from watching his dad. He’s a great example of someone who listens more than he talks.

“I have learned don’t be in a hurry; just be steady and get it done,” Tanner said. “We aren’t out here to get rich. It’s about having something to leave to your kids. I hope my kids enjoy being out here as much as I did as a kid. I hope they care for the farm and love the land as much as we have.”

Take a look at this gallery to learn more about the Hogues' 2024 planting season, which looks a little different on each operation. (If viewing the gallery on a mobile, the captions appear below the ads.)

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