Wallaces Farmer

Mid-Season update: Managing disease in corn and soybean fields

With tar spot spotted in some states, effective disease control is essential to maintain yield potential and crop health through the season.

July 1, 2024

2 Min Read
Mid-Season update: Disease Management
Submitted by BASF Agricultural Solutions

Growers know how often commodity prices for soybeans and corn can fluctuate —making or breaking their growing season. It’s important to protect crops from yield-limiting diseases so growers can maximize every acre planted.

Economically damaging diseases vary by region and crop, but studies show that in 2023, disease reduced U.S. corn yield by about 3%, with tar spot leading the charts causing over 38 million bushels lost.1 As a result, many growers are taking a more proactive approach to their fungicide programs and choosing to treat with fungicides that help provide high yield, consistency, and a strong return on investment.

A Visible Difference

While nothing in farming is guaranteed, preventive disease management is essential to both mitigate the effect of disease on crops and capitalize on the additional benefits certain fungicides provide. Wisconsin growers Randy and Benji Schafer know that a strong fungicide that enhances both yield potential and plant health is vital to the success of their operation, which is why they choose to apply Revytek® fungicide on their soybeans and Veltyma® fungicide on their corn.

“We are better able to fight diseases with these fungicide applications and improve plant health throughout the growing season, which we see a return on at harvest,” Randy said.

Revytek and Veltyma fungicides allow for fast uptake, enhanced binding strength and strong performance even under high disease pressure — leaving a visible difference in the fields.

“I’d be driving the combine and see the brown and black corn turn into white perfect corn where we applied Veltyma fungicide,” Randy said. “That made us a big believer in the BASF fungicide program.”

Working Together to Drive Results

The Schafers use Veltyma and Revytek fungicides, not only because of the extended residual, but because they have seen the increase in yield compared to the products they were previously using.

“We wouldn’t run it on our own farm if we didn’t believe it was the best fungicide to put out there,” he said.

Revytek fungicide has been proven to increase yield by an average of 9.5 bu/A more than soybean fields treated with other fungicides. Veltyma fungicide has been proven to increase yield by an average of 7 bu/A in corn treated with other fungicides2.

For more information, contact your local BASF representative or visit RevXFields.com to see how Veltyma and Revytek fungicides can make a difference for you.

Always read and follow label directions. Revytek and Veltyma are registered trademarks of BASF. © 2024 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.

1Sikora, E., Faske, T., Meyer, R., & Koehler, A. (2024, March 12). Corn Disease Loss Estimates from the United States and Ontario, Canada — 2023. Crop Protection Network. https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/publications/corn-disease-loss-estimates-from-the-united-states-and-ontario-canada-2023#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20disease%20reduced%20corn,loss%20of%20465.1%20million%20bushels.

2Summary of 2019-2022 RevX, field-scale demonstration trials. For location details, visit RevXFields.com. Veltyma fungicide applied at 7 fl oz/A to VT-R3 corn. Revytek fungicide applied within the recommended label rate range at R3 timing.

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