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Is CBOT ignoring weather impacts?

Between the Fencerows: Weather is pushing irrigation and the wheat crop, but frustrated farmers aren’t seeing a 2024 price benefit.

Kyle Stackhouse, Blogger

June 21, 2024

2 Min Read
Dry cracked soil in wheat field
Getty Images/pixelfusion3d

Weather is the lead story this week. Even though local media won’t stop talking about it, I’ve decided I’m going to be like CBOT and ignore it! (Please note the sarcasm and frustration.)

Matt continues to drive the rock picking crew in the mornings. Even though we shifted hours to be earlier and shorter, some decided it is too hot to work. (Darn it, here I go talking about the weather!)

I think Friday will be the last day. We only worked two weeks, but got a good chunk of what we wanted to do done. Kids that showed up every day made more in two weeks than I did in an entire summer.

Dad and I have been focused on irrigation start up. This extended hot, dry spell has moved this to the top of the list. (Crap, more weather!)

We’ve had a bit of a rough start, a pump that was installed only four years ago failed and locked up. (The first pump lasted 24 years.) We also had a well motor that was replaced last year fail. It’s not good, but fortunately the irrigation well guy we started using last year has been able to get us back up and running quickly.

Wheat crop ahead of schedule

I did go ahead and spray a defoliant on the wheat last Saturday. I’m not sure we did much good as the heat has been pushing this crop to maturity nearly two weeks ahead of ‘normal’. (Man…. Did I just talk about the weather again?)

I think we’re going to get the combine in the field today and make sure everything works properly. The new draper (that replaced the one that was totaled when we hit the cut off utility pole) came in last month. The head was mated to the combine and technicians were out and told us everything is ready to go. The oldest three girls are all playing softball this weekend, so we won’t get serious about cutting wheat until Monday.

The new-to-us planter also came in this week. Technicians have been out to the farm checking it out. We plan to use it for the double-crop soybeans so that we can understand what we got and decide what upgrades we might consider making before next spring. (Look I made it a whole paragraph without referencing the weather!)

About the Author(s)

Kyle Stackhouse


After graduating from Purdue University in 1999 with a degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Kyle Stackhouse began farming in Plymouth, Ind., in northern Indiana. Kyle farms alongside his father Brad, not as an employee but as an owner who runs separate businesses in three counties in a 20-mile radius.  Kyle shares insight into day to day operations, current issues, and management of the family's mid-sized grain farm that specializes in NON-GMO and Identity Preserved crops.

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