Farm Progress

2020 strategic plan positions peanuts for optimistic future

Plan will continue positive momentum and keep growers prepared for future challenges.

April 20, 2017

3 Min Read

The National Peanut Board has approved a new strategic plan aimed at making sure that positive momentum continues into the future and keeping growers prepared for potential challenges that could arise.

The plan, outlined at its quarterly meeting in Starkville, Miss., establishes measurable goals and strategies for the organization’s work through the end of fiscal 2020, and insures that it focuses on the most important opportunities and needs ahead, says Bob Parker, president and CEO of the National Peanut Board.

“Per capita peanut consumption is at an all-time high,” he says. “Groundbreaking research is providing hope for millions everywhere, after years of a steady drumbeat of negative peanut allergy news. Overall, the future looks bright for peanut growers and the entire industry.”

Led by Andy Bell, Georgia’s representative to the board, the committee has been working together since late 2016 to develop the plan.

“If you remember nothing else about the new strategic plan, remember this: the National Peanut Board exists to improve the economic conditions for peanut farmers and their families,” says Ed White, NPB board chair and Alabama grower. “Grower economics has always been our focus, but we took this opportunity to revise our mission statement so it is as measurable and strong as it can be.”


With its new mission statement in place, the strategic planning committee updated NPB’s values and guiding principles, which point to continuing to find innovative ways to grow a wholesome, healthy, and sustainable product to feed a growing planet and doing so with openness and transparency.

“We’ll know we’ve been successful when people are thinking about peanuts differently, talking about peanuts positively, and engaging with peanuts more often,” Bell says. “Ultimately, they’ll be buying more peanuts overall — and per capita consumption will move from 7.4 pounds today to 8 pounds at the end of 2020.”

To reach the per capita goal, he says, the board will focus on five key strategies: (1) increasing peanut relevance among millennials, (2) maximizing the value of production research dollars, (3) removing barriers to consumption and advancing food allergy progress, (4) increasing understanding of the board’s value among all growers, and (5) expanding exports through targeted opportunities.


Over the past two years, NPB has also transitioned to a new look and feel for the board’s materials and digital and social properties. Most notably, it overhauled its main website to better appeal to consumers who are seeking more information about their food, and looking to purchase from brands and companies that act authentically.

A key element of NPB’s brand — a new brand mark — was also approved at the quarterly board meeting in April. The new mark features an updated typeface and treatment of the peanut icon, which integrates an American flag, with stars representing each of the major peanut growing states.

A new optional line, “America’s Peanut Farmers,” will help build awareness of USA quality during the board’s export opportunities. The new mark was developed by Golin, NPB’s long-time marketing and communications agency, which kicked off the brand refresh early last year.

“We think the new mark does two things. First, it signals that NPB is current and contemporary, and on top of issues and trends that are driving our marketplace,” says Ryan Lepicier, NPB’s senior vice president of marketing and communications. “Second, it better reflects the grower heritage that drives this board and every decision we make. When those two ideas work hand in hand, we know we’re working right.”

The new brand mark will continue to be used in conjunction with the Perfectly Powerful Peanut icon, adopted in 2014, for trade and consumer marketing materials.

The National Peanut Board represents all USA peanut farmers and their families. Through research and marketing initiatives the board is finding new ways to enhance production and increase consumer demand by promoting the great taste, nutrition, and culinary versatility of USA-grown peanuts.

Source: National Peanut Board

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