Farm Progress

State Lamb and Wool Producers to Meet in Morton

Annual Shepherd's Holiday conference will be held Dec. 4-5 in conjunction with Minnesota State Cattlemen's meeting.

October 25, 2010

1 Min Read

Sheep enthusiasts of all ages and experience levels are invited to the Minnesota Lamb and Wool Producers Shepherd's Holiday annual conference and trade show. This year's conference will be co-located with the Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association annual conference at Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel in Morton, Dec. 4 and 5.

The conference and trade show opens at 8:00 a.m., Saturday morning. Particpants will be able to choose from a variety of seminars related to health, nutrition, management, youth sheep projects, fiber arts, fencing, Make it With Wool competition, and more. Amanda Nolz, contributing editor for BEEF magazine will deliver the keynote address focusing on advocating for agriculture. Amanda's appearance is sponsored by AgStar Financial Services. The MIWW fashion show highlights the wine and cheese social, followed by a Mediterranean lamb shank dinner sponsored by the Minnesota Corn Growers Association. The evening concludes with the annual fundraiser auction.

Sunday morning offers more seminars on youth sheep projects, fiber arts, wool quality, nutrition and more. The annual business meeting will be followed by the Silver Bell Awards luncheon (lamb chops) sponsored by the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council.

Join us at Jackpot Junction for good times, good friends, and information to help us manage our sheep farms. For hotel reservations, call 800-946-2274 (ask for the MLWP rate). For reduced registration and meal prices, register by Nov. 18. The complete agenda and registration form can be found at

- By Jeremy Geske, MLWP past president

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