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5 lessons from 2021 for 2022

No two crop years are the same, but 2021 challenges like weather, costs and disease offer lessons in decision-making for 2022.

Sierra Day, Field editor

November 23, 2021

3 Min Read
tractor applying fertilizer
FERTILIZER COST: As farmers transition from 2021 harvest to 2022 crop planning, their decisions could be influenced by factors such as fertilizer prices and lack of chemical availability. Holly Spangler

Let’s recap 2021: Early planting conditions were dry and ideal from late March into early April. Then major rain events created cold, wet soils and set the stage for disease. Summer left room for both drought and oversaturation. Harvest standability problems meant farmers pushed to get corn out first and were still combining beans in November.

Lance Tarochione, Dekalb Asgrow technical agronomist near London Mills, Ill., says there is only one way to summarize the 2021 growing season: unique.

So how might that unique 2021 crop year affect your decisions for 2022?

“I think there’s the potential for people to overreact to the extremes of 2021 and think they need to tinker with more stuff than they truly do,” Tarochione says. However, factors that aren’t usually a big deal — such as fertilizer prices, chemical and equipment availability, and labor — should be on farmers’ radars as they make plans for 2022.

Here’s what Tarochione recommends focusing on in 2022:

1. Crop choice. First and foremost, decide how your acreage will be split up between corn and soybeans. Farmers may plant more soybeans in 2022 based on higher fertilizer costs and the fact that soybeans require less fertilizer. However, Tarochione says it may be tougher to control weeds in soybeans due to product availability. Everyone’s situation is different; determine what’s best for your operation, and go from there.

2. Seed selection. If you decide to plant corn on corn or first-year corn, choose a hybrid that will perform best for the scenario. Or maybe the unique growing season of down corn, extreme disease challenges or below-average yields is making you reconsider your seed selection. Tarochione says your best bet it to reach out to a trusted crop adviser to evaluate the cause of poor results before making any seed changes.

3. Fertilizer program. Fall fertilizer work could pay off in the end with fertilizer prices being higher and having the potential to rise in the spring. If you typically don’t use fall anhydrous and only use liquid nitrogen in the spring, don’t expect companies to offer a guaranteed price on the liquid product right now. Tarochione says if prices continue to climb as predicted, you could make a last-minute shift in crop selection next year, but potentially face seed and chemical availability challenges.

4. Weed and disease control. Weed control challenges may revolve more around higher prices and lack of availability of chemicals. Regardless of which system you choose, use a strong residual foundation to make yourself less reliant on postemergence products that could be in short supply or have application restrictions. Fungicide paid off in 2021, which could be credited to two fungicide applications, during V5 to V7 stages and at tassel. Another reason for response is four diseases working together during the growing season — tar spot, southern rust, crown rot and anthracnose. Tarochione recommends farmers use fungicide aggressively in 2022, applying at least once or twice, and maybe even three times, during the growing season.

5. Planting and harvest timing. Farmers faced equipment availability, weatherand labor challenges, all of which hindered the harvest season. Sometimes, all of a farmer’s acres were ready at the same time, but there wasn’t enough time, labor or equipment to get everything harvested before a weather event hit. For 2022, consider planting varieties with a wider range of maturities to potentially spread out harvest. Tarochione says that could help you avoid downed corn or harvesting soybeans in November.

About the Author(s)

Sierra Day

Field editor, Farm Progress

A 10th-generation agriculturist, Sierra Day grew up alongside the Angus cattle, corn and soybeans on her family’s operation in Cerro Gordo, Ill. Although she spent an equal amount in farm machinery as she did in the cattle barn as a child, Day developed a bigger passion for the cattle side of the things.

An active member of organizations such as 4-H, FFA and the National Junior Angus Association, she was able to show Angus cattle on the local, state and national levels while participating in contests and leadership opportunities that were presented through these programs.

As Day got older, she began to understand the importance of transitioning from a member to a mentor for other youth in the industry. Thus, her professional and career focus is centered around educating agriculture producers and youth to aid in prospering the agriculture industry.

In 2018, she received her associate degree from Lake Land College, where her time was spent as an active member in clubs such as Ag Transfer club and PAS. A December 2020 graduate of Kansas State University in Animal Sciences & Industry and Agricultural Communications & Journalism, Day was active in Block & Bridle and Agriculture Communicators of Tomorrow, while also serving as a communications student worker in the animal science department.

Day currently resides back home where she owns and operates Day Cattle Farm with her younger brother, Chayton. The duo strives to raise functional cattle that are show ring quality and a solid foundation for building anyone’s herd.

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