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We finished building out ‘new’ planter supply trailer

Past history lessons have us dragging our feet on planting start date.

Kyle Stackhouse 2

April 9, 2021

2 Min Read
planter supply trailer
Kyle Stackhouse

Where to start -- it has been a busy couple of weeks!

There are a few planters rolling in our area. Temperatures this week certainly support that decision. Our planters however, are not among them.

I’m not saying the decision is wrong. It’s just pushing the front end of our planting window pretty hard. Usually the earliest we go here in northern Indiana is the 15th of April, and more commonly we don’t get started until somewhere between the 20th and 25th.

Observations from past seasons have us dragging our feet. What happened in 2020? Frost touched some of the early planted crops; in 2012 early plant was more severely impacted by the drought than later planted crops.

All that said, our tentative start date is next Monday. We would like to get a couple fields planted just to test everything out.

Meanwhile back in the shop

So, what have we been doing? First, we finished up tweaking that new planter supply trailer I wrote about a few weeks ago. We had to get that done if we are going to plant! When I look at it, I wonder what on earth took four days to complete that job, but projects always take longer than we think.

First, we had to build out the below deck frame that houses all the pumps and hose reels. Then we set the tanks and laid out all the plumbing. After that, we welded, bolted, or glued everything in place.

We left room in the middle of the trailer for totes of product we will need to mix as the planter is loaded. We still have to do the leak test, but are pretty confident in our work. All plumbing was either a glue fitting or a manifold fitting. We tried to stay away from threaded fittings as much as possible. Getting parts and supplies continues to be challenging.

Hopefully this project is done and it lasts for several years.

This week dad has been putting strips in. I have been spraying between deliveries of seed, fertilizer, and other supplies. The well driller got one of two wells done (waiting on screen for the other). Nutrient applications have been given ‘green lights’.

Everyone is in a crunch this year. Shortages combined with an early spring are not ideal. More updates next week! I have to go meet the welding shop guy at the sprayer. Uh-oh!

The opinions of the author are not necessarily those of Farm Futures or Farm Progress. 

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