Farm Progress

Invest in your data future

Come now to eastern Iowa Nov 29-30 to learn how to turn data and technology into profitable decisions.

Kurt Lawton

November 16, 2017

3 Min Read

Time is running out if you want to invest in a learning event built to help you master the precision ag data coming out of your fields. The Ag Data Conference is the place for answers, and it’s just around the corner. Thankfully there’s still time to register before the conference begins, Nov. 29-30 at the Coralville Marriott Hotel & Convention Center near Iowa City, Iowa.

Farmers from 29 states attended our first data conference last year and we’re hoping to build on that success. The editors of Corn+Soybean Digest and Farm Futures have put together a high-energy agenda full of networking and sharing as farmers and their advisors discuss what they have learned about precision ag, drones and data.


Put your data to better use

The Ag Date Conference brings together farmer, university and industry speakers with extensive background and experience in the growing agricultural data sector, all focused to deliver on our theme: “Practical data and technology for profitable decisions.”

Farmers tell us they are collecting massive amounts of data but don’t fully understand how to analyze that data. Or, they aren’t confident the data they are collecting is correct. The Ag Data Conference zeros-in on ways to help farmers address these issues. Attendees will walk away with immediate action items to implement, while gaining a better understanding of where ag data technology is headed in the short term and coming years.


Practical solutions

Along with our main sessions, you’ll choose from numerous breakout sessions to do a deep dive on practical solutions and experiences from other farmers and their advisors, so attendees can apply new ideas to their business immediately.

We’re repeating our popular Beer & Bull Session where you sit with peers and speakers to discuss different topics – now enhanced with our cellphone-based Q&A/instant survey technology that will add to this fun learning environment. And, our talented moderator will be Max Armstrong, legendary farm broadcaster and co-host of the popular This Week in AgriBusiness TV show with Orion Samuelson.

New this year is the Tech Zone, a specialized demonstration area where attendees can experience hands‐on, guided interactive learning with flying drones, farm dashboards, crop modeling and more. The Tech Zone demo area is indoors with nearly an acre of space.


Speaker highlights

Chad Colby, founder of Colby AgTech and general manager of Case IH dealership, brings his tech geek expertise and enthusiasm to give you a look inside precision technology for 2018, while asking you the question: Is your farm ready?  TADC_20Chad-Colby-Revised.jpg

Founder of AgSolver, Dave Muth is a champion of understanding how every field has variability. This presentation will walk you through how he has helped many growers eliminate the weak spots in fields to improve overall whole-field return on investment.

Founder of Midwest Independent Soil Samplers, Tom McGraw brings decades of soil knowledge to help you understand how to optimize your variable-rate application strategies and success. This dynamic presenter will challenge your thinking and give you solid economics and profitable take-home advice.

Iowa farmer and data guru Scott Henry has vast experience in using data (and numerous software technology) to improve the economic success of Longview Farms. He will share their journey on what is valuable and what they learned to give you take-home ideas that can improve your farm.

Dan Frieberg, CSD Data Decisions columnist and founder of Premier Crop Systems, brings his decades of deep data knowledge to give you expertise on how to turn higher profits in every field. A farmer panel will also share how I data decisions improved their farm economics.

That’s just a sampling of the highlights to come. So, grab your employees or some neighbors and head to the Coralville, Iowa Marriott Conference Center. We start at 9:00 am on Wednesday, November 29. To register online for TADC, visit


About the Author(s)

Kurt Lawton

Kurt Lawton of Eden Prairie, Minn., is a writer and owner of Stellar Content LLC. He is the former editor of Corn+Soybean Digest, a Farm Progress publication.

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