Farm Progress

AgriLife Extension meeting addresses dairy industry issues

Kay Ledbetter, Texas A&M Communications

September 30, 2009

1 Min Read

Dairy producers have spoken and their biggest concern is water, according to a Texas AgriLife Extension Service specialist.

“We completed a survey in May among the producers to find out what the major issues facing them are,” said Dr. Ralph Bruno, AgriLife Extension dairy associate in Canyon. “Water was definitely at the top of their list, so we are asking Nich Kenny (AgriLife Extension irrigation specialist in Amarillo) to come talk to us.”

AgriLife Extension will host a meeting for the dairy producers on Oct. 8 in Hereford. The meeting will run from 6-8 p.m. at the Hereford Country Club, 726 Country Club Drive. Speakers will address water and labor issues as well as possible future AgriLife Extension programs.

The program is free. A meal and refreshments will be provided, but reservations are requested by Oct. 5 for meal planning. Registration should be made through Jerri Hamar at 806-677-5600 or [email protected].

More information on the program can be obtained by calling the AgriLife Extension offices in Bailey, Castro, Dallam/Hartley, Deaf Smith, Hale, Lamb, Moore or Parmer counties, or by going to

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