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Manage farm risks

Above+Beyond the Harvest: Manage farm risks to ensure sustainability and growth.

Jesse McCurry

May 30, 2024

3 Min Read
tops of 3 silos
RISK MANAGEMENT: Farmers should engage in regular market analysis to help them make strategic decisions for their operations. It’s one risk management strategy to consider.gece33/Getty images

Farming, with its dependence on unpredictable factors such as weather, market conditions and biological processes, is inherently risky. Managing these risks effectively is not just about protecting your livelihood; it’s about ensuring the sustainability and growth of your farming business.

A plan is a must. Here are a few strategies you might employ to manage your farm risks.

  • Structural decisions in farm operations. The structure of farm operations plays a key role in risk management. Important considerations include:

  • Engaging with landlords. Effective communication and documented leases are essential. Maintaining strong, transparent relationships helps secure long-term land leases.

  • Formalizing lease agreements. Written contracts clarify terms and conditions, providing legal protection and preventing misunderstandings. Whenever possible, negotiate longer-term leases for greater operational stability.

  • Managing equipment and a succession plan. Planning for the future by managing equipment life cycles and preparing for leadership transitions ensures continuity and reduces operational risks.

  • Strategic marketing and pricing. A plan should encompass an understanding of available marketing tools, including cash tools for immediate sales, futures contracts for setting sale prices and options contracts to provide flexibility and protect against price drops. Integration of these tools with broader financial analysis — combining insights from market fundamentals, technical analysis and regular profit and loss assessments — ensures decisions are made with a comprehensive view of their potential impact. This should include how various types of agricultural insurance can buffer financial losses from poor yields or market downturns.

To mitigate risks effectively, farmers should engage in regular market analysis to stay informed about trends and be prepared to adjust strategies quickly.

It is important to know your cost of production and understand your breakeven points. This knowledge allows for more grounded decision-making, focusing on securing profit rather than chasing the highest possible price. Selling a portion of your product at a profit, when market conditions are favorable, can ensure financial stability and reduce risk exposure.

  • Diversification of crops and income. Diversifying both crop types and income sources can significantly reduce the risk of failure. Planting a variety of crops protects against the total loss of production due to disease or adverse weather. Additionally, exploring alternative income streams such as agritourism or organic production can provide financial stability when traditional crops underperform.

  • Utilization of advanced agricultural technologies. The use of drought-resistant varieties, advanced irrigation systems and precision agriculture techniques like soil moisture sensors enhances crop resilience and operational efficiency. Tools like AgriBuilder from Adams Brown amplify these benefits by integrating elements of farm management, such as financial monitoring and resource management. This not only optimizes resource use but also improves decision-making, making farms more efficient and less prone to risks.

Each of these strategies provides a layer of security and efficiency to farming operations, helping to mitigate the diverse risks faced in agriculture. If you would like more information about how risk management issues affect you and your farm operation, contact an Adams Brown adviser.

McCurry is the ag brand ambassador for Adams Brown, Strategic Allies and CPAs. The Adams Brown agricultural business team knows about farm life because most have lived it. They provide resources to navigate complex tax structures, financial and estate planning, accounting and more. Contact McCurry at [email protected] or 316-262-6578. The statements here are intended for discussion purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal or tax advice. Please consult your own business accountants or financial and legal experts.

About the Author(s)

Jesse McCurry

Jesse McCurry is the Ag Brand Ambassador for Adams Brown, Strategic Allies and CPAs. The Adams Brown agricultural business team knows about farm life because most have lived it. They provide resources to navigate complex tax structures, financial and estate planning, accounting and more. Contact McCurry at 316-262-6578. The statements here are intended for discussion purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal or tax advice. Please consult your own business accountants or financial and legal experts.

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