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Oregon Requests Firms Remove Peanut Products from Texas Plant

Ag Department cites caution as reason for action.

April 5, 2009

1 Min Read

In what the Oregon Department of Agricultural labels "an abundance of caution," it is requesting that retailers and food manufacturers remove from sale all products containing peanuts received from the Peanut Corporation of America in Plainview, Tex.

The action is linked to the nationwide salmonella outbreak connected to the plant.

Consumers are urged to check pantries at home for all peanut products associated with the company with facilities in Texas and Georgia.

Five illnesses nationwide, including one suspected Oregon case, have been directly linked to the Plainview plant. Those products include, but may not be limited to, Unsalted and salted roasted peanuts, salted and raw Spanish peanuts, fresh ground peanut butter, and dry roasted peanuts.

The State of Texas ordered Peanut Corporation of America to recall all products ever produced in its Plainview plant after a state inspector found dead rodents, rodent excrement, and bird feathers in an unsealed air handling system that was contaminating areas of the plant.

Since the outbreak began, manufacturers of peanut products have recalled about 2,200 peanut-containing products. In response to these recalls, ODA continues timely contact with retail merchants and state distributors of peanut-containing products. Food safety inspectors are checking retail establishments across the state to remove recalled products.

The list of recalled items continues to expand. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration maintains an on line searchable database for these products. A link to this database is available at www.fda.gov.

The FDA's list is updated daily. ODA urges consumers to visit the Web site before purchasing, eating or serving any peanut products.

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