Dakota Farmer

My response to Nielsen’s U.S. Consumer Confidence Survey

What has impacted my view of the economy? 'Trade war,' I answered. 'I work in agriculture.'

Lon Tonneson, Editor, Dakota Farmer

May 20, 2019

1 Min Read
Nielsen U.S. Consumer Confidence Survey cover on keyboard
SURVEY SAYS: The Nielsen U.S. Consumer Confidence Survey asks about two dozen questions focused on the economy.

I filled out a Nielsen survey on the economy this morning.

It was called “U.S. Consumer Confidence Survey.” There was a dollar bill in the envelope as an inducement to take the time to answer the questions.

First question: “How would you rate the present general business conditions in your area?” The choices were “good,” “normal” and “bad.” I marked “bad.”

The next question then asked if I think it will be “better,” “same” or “worse” six months from now. I put an “X” over “same,” and then I changed it to “Worse.”

The survey asked if I thought interest rates and the stock market would be higher or lower in six months. If the survey had an option for “I wish I knew because it depends on what President Trump tweets each morning,” I would have marked that.

The survey asked if I was going to buy a refrigerator, washing machine, TV or about a dozen other things. No-no-no, I answered.

The next question: “What would you say about available jobs in your area right now?” The choices were “plenty,” “not so many” and “hard to get.” I marked “plenty,” but wanted to add “if you are willing to move, live in town or work two to three jobs to making a living wage,” but the survey didn’t leave any space for comments.

Then it hit me with what I thought was the big question: “During the past month, what would you say has impacted your view of the U.S. economy?”

I wrote: “Trade war — I work in agriculture.”

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