Wallaces Farmer

Free online resources available from Iowa ag foundation

Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation offers Facebook Live events other digital resources.

March 23, 2020

2 Min Read

A number of new resources will support teachers and student learning online and virtually, courtesy of the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation.

With recent school closures, many K-12 teachers are transitioning their classes online to maintain student learning. One resource that IALF is providing is Google Classroom units that are aligned to Iowa Core Standards. These lessons focus on science, social studies, math, and food and nutrition. The modules are set up to be self-paced for students to work at home or as assigned by teachers. There are two levels of modules currently available – one for students in upper elementary and one for middle school students.

“We want to do everything we can to support teachers and parents during these trying times,” said Will Fett executive director of IALF. “Schools closing creates a challenge, but it doesn’t have to stop student learning. Many of our resources are digital and lend themselves well to a virtual learning environment.”

To help supplement literature and student reading, IALF has made video read-alouds of their My Family’s Farm book series. Students can follow along as the story is read to them. The reader also provides additional information about agriculture in Iowa and the specific topic of each book. Eight books are available.

IALF and Loess Hills Agriculture in the Classroom will also be hosting daily Facebook Live events to highlight embryology. The chick hatching project was started before schools closed and then moved to an office to allow for continued monitoring. The daily events will provide an update on chick development inside the egg. The events will continue daily until the scheduled hatch day which is April 1. A live stream will allow viewers to see the chicks.

High school students can also access a self-paced module that focuses on agriculture and renewable energy. The lessons are available through the AEA Student Learning portal. The lessons cover many different renewable energy sources with a focus on biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel. Lessons are complete with quizzes, interactive assignments and videos.

Source: Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation, which is solely responsible for the information provided and is wholly owned by the source. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset. 

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