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7 ag stories you might have missed 445644

Soybeans plunge following USDA report, schools struggle with food shortages.

Rachel Schutte, Content Producer

October 1, 2021

2 Min Read
Collage with corn harvest, capitol building and angus beef cattle

Missed some agricultural news this week? Here are seven stories to catch you up.

Soy stumbles after USDA’s Quarterly Grain Stocks

Thursday’s USDA’s Quarterly Grain Stocks report surprised markets today after finding 81 million more bushels of old crop (2020/21) soybean bushels. Soybean yields moved 0.8 bushels per acre higher, to 51.0 bpa.  – Farm Futures

Lawsuit against beef processors

A federal judge in Minnesota ordered a class action lawsuit against JBS, Tyson, National Beef and Cargill to proceed. In the ruling, Judge John R. Tunheim found that plaintiffs have plausibly plead that defendants conspired to suppress the price of fed cattle and increase the price of beef. – BEEF

Nitrogen use efficiency genetics

Machine learning can pinpoint genes of importance that help crops grow with less fertilizer. “Now that we can more accurately predict which corn hybrids are better at using nitrogen fertilizer in the field, we can rapidly improve this trait,” says researcher Stephen Moose. – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Farm belt revival

A rally in prices for agricultural commodities is pushing up incomes for U.S. farmers and unleashing spending and investment that had been subdued for years. Meanwhile, federal payments to farmers are set to drop 39% this year, leaving farmers more exposed to swings in agricultural markets. – Wall Street Journal

Schools scramble to feed kids

Schools across the country are facing shortages of cafeteria staples like chicken, bread, apple juice and even plastic cutlery, as supply chain woes and a lack of truck drivers complicate the most basic task of feeding students.  – The New York TImes

Vilsack pours $3 billion into ag sector

USDA announced an additional $3 billion will be made available through the Commodity Credit Corporation to prevent the spread of African swine fever, assist producers grappling with drought and market disruptions at ports and help school nutrition professionals obtain nutritious food for students. – Farm Futures

More time to replace livestock after drought

Farmers and ranchers forced by drought to sell livestock may have another year to replace the livestock and defer tax on gains from the sales, according to the Internal Revenue Service. – Accounting Today

And your bonus.

October is National Pork Month! Pork is the worlds' most widely eaten meat, ahead of chicken and beef. This is a time to celebrate and remember all the hard-working farm families that are there every day of the year so we can all enjoy a safe, sustainable, affordable, and yes, a 'tasty' food we call pork! – National Hog Farmer

About the Author(s)

Rachel Schutte

Content Producer, Farm Futures

Rachel grew up in central Wisconsin and earned a B.S. in soil and crop science from the University of Wisconsin - Platteville. Before joining the Farm Futures team, Rachel spent time in the field as an agronomist before transitioning to the world of marketing and communications. She now resides in northeast Iowa where she enjoys raising bottle calves and farming corn and soybeans alongside her husband and his family.

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