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Salinas Valley Company Recalls Lettuce

As a precautionary measure, a California company has voluntarily pulled a brand of lettuce from shelves after finding E. coli in irrigation water.

October 9, 2006

1 Min Read

After irrigation water samples tested positive for E. coli, a Salinas Valley, Calif., company issued a voluntary recall Saturday for some of its lettuce. None of the produce has tested positive for E. coli, but the family-owned Nunes Co. wants to be cautious.

Of the 8,500 cartons of Foxy brand green leaf lettuce that the company recalled, Nunes president Tom Nunes Jr. says, "We have recovered 97% of the affected cartons, and only 250 are still outstanding."

After a routine water test indicated E. coli, caused by a secondary irrigation source. The company continues to investigate both the water supply and the produce itself, although Nunes says "The likelihood of an outbreak is very low."

This E. coli discovery does not appear to be related to the recent spinach contamination that resulted in 192 reported illnesses and an FDA warning against eating spinach lifted only a week before the lettuce recall.

The recall only affects Foxy brand green leaf lettuce.

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