Farm Progress

Farm Progress America, May 14, 2024

Mike Pearson gives listeners an update on the H5N1 bird flu variant impacting dairies and poultries.

May 14, 2024

Mike Pearson updates listeners on the H5N1 or bird flu virus and the impact on dairies in the USA.

So far, 42 dairy cow herds were diagnosed with the virus across nine states.

And in the past 10 days, six more herds in Michigan, Colorado and Idaho were found to have the H5N1 -- bird flu virus.

The virus is not fatal but leads to a reduction in milk production. It's between a 15 to 25 percent drop in milk production or 10 days. This leads to financial impacts.

So far, there has a been a limited impact on consumers.

However, for producers, there is an economic impact due to a loss of income but higher inputs.

The USDA has announced a $98 million financial program for milk producers who has a documented production loss and will also cover veterinarian costs, biosecurity efforts and supplies to take milk samples for testing for the virus.

Also, a monthly stipend is available for dairies to purchase personal protection equipment (PPE) for employees who are working in the dairies.

The FDA has also allocated $101 million to be used to continue the testing of milk for the virus and continuing testing for changes in virus and variants.

Farm Progress America is a daily look at key issues in agriculture. It is produced and presented by Mike Pearson, farm broadcaster and host of This Week in Agribusiness.

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